
Docs lack expamples, can't find solutions easily, not beginner friendly

imtheaman opened this issue · 1 comments

How would i know what sharding is, what application is, what replication is?
are you writing docs for yourself or for someone else who'll come to learn the technology?
it doesn't look like it's written for someone who's landed on the docs to learn it on his own.
there's only one way to learn it and to become familiar with mongodb is by going through the docs entirely at once.

i'm tryna search my collection whenever user types an input and return whatever matches that specific part of the string (let say i wanna get all the users whose name starts with 'a', i can't find anything working, only a word matches and returns the result, when searched using a character string, i get nothing.

getProfiles: async (
    _: any,
    { search, skip }: { search: string; skip: number },
    { users }: any
  ) => {
    await users.createIndex({name: 'text', email: 'text', state: 'text', country: 'text', _id: 'text'})
    return await users.find({$text: {$search: `/${search}/`}}).skip(skip).limit(15).toArray();

i'm using nodejs-driver:

"mongodb": "^4.5.0",
"node": "18.2.0"

@urtheaman I apologize for the delay in replying. Thanks so much for your feedback, and I'm sorry you're having a poor experience with our documentation.

It looks like you've included a screenshot to the core manual. We have smaller, focused documentation sets for each driver to help guide you in learning MongoDB. Here is a link to the Node driver site. Please let me know if it makes it easier for you to get started.