
Nothing in the docs directing people to this github

emragins opened this issue · 1 comments

Is there something wrong with existing docs content, or is something missing from the docs?

something missing

If this is related to existing docs content, what page or pages are affected?

All pages

Is this related to the MongoDB Realm backend, or an SDK? If it is an issue with an SDK, which one?


What would you like to see in the docs that isn't already there?

Something inviting people to help improve the documentation. ie. a link to the repo; an inline edit.

If the content is technical, can you link to an example implementation?


Where do you feel this content belongs?
In the navigation bar, the top header -- anywhere common where somebody who's looking can find it in under 10 seconds.

Other Comments

The only way I know about this is I submitted this feedback request. (
And this is after talking to several support people saying I'd happily help edit public documents rather than building my own person documentation library for me and my team.
The fact that this is open source is not well known or discoverable.

cbush commented

Hey @emragins, just wanted to let you know we see this issue. We'd love to have more contributions from the community! We're working with our platform team to help make this possible, since there's currently no good way for contributors to actually build and preview the site.