
ValueError: too many values to unpack

Closed this issue · 3 comments

Hello, I'm trying to use mongo-perf to run a benchmark against one of our clusters. However, when running the tool with just a single iteration, it gets through the inserts, updates, queries, and commands and then spits out the error below.

#### Commands::CountsIntIDRange
#### Commands::FindAndModifyInserts

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 432, in
File "", line 383, in main
single_db_benchmark_results, multi_db_benchmark_results = handle.run_benchmark()
ValueError: too many values to unpack

This is the command I'm using to invoke the test:

python -s -l test123 -n 1 -p 27017 --rhost localhost --rport 27117 --local --nolaunch

Where 27017 is the port of the DB I want to test and 27117 is the port of the DB in which I want to write the results. Mongos is running and is connected to both of those DBs. Any ideas?

A little more info regarding the versions of things:

Python = 2.7.3
Boto = 2.8.0
Bottle = 0.11.6
Pymongo = 2.4.2

The version of the mongodb servers on both the ports listed above is 2.2.3.

Hi kloukinen-omnit,

Thanks for reporting this; this is a bug - the local runner only returned one value on its run. I have made changes to fix this. Also, note that if running with --local and not --multidb, it defaults to using multiple databases for each connection.

Hi deafgoat,

I pulled down the latest and tried it again and can confirm that issue is fixed and it's working now. Thanks!