
How can I get geo_near max_distance results ordered by distance?

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What I'm trying to do is to sort mongoid geo_near(or within_circle) max_distance results by distance because I don't know why but it doesn't do that by default.

I have mongoid_geospatial, mongoid_spacial and rgeo in my Rails gem file. I know mongoid_spacial has this ability but I could not use it and it caused problems with gmaps4rails.

I'm trying on mongoid_geospatial(which uses mongoid libraries) with no success and I could not find any resource except this one MongoDB Aggregate geoNear maxdistance but I don't know how to convert mongo that to mongoid.

Any one had an experience on sorting geo_near or within_circle in mongoid? Any help will be greatly appreciated.

The code in my Controller

  searchterm = session[:categoryid].to_s
  radius = session[:distance].to_f / 10       
  @places = Provider.all.where(:category.to_s => /.*#{searchterm}.*/)
  .geo_near([ session[:latitude].to_f,session[:longitude].to_f ]).max_distance(radius)    

  #@places = Provider.all.where(:category.to_s => /.*#{searchterm}.*/)
  #.within_circle(location: [[ session[:latitude].to_f,session[:longitude].to_f ], radius ])      

The code in my model

include Mongoid::Document
include Mongoid::Timestamps
include Mongoid::Paranoia
include Mongoid::Geospatial
include Mongoid::MultiParameterAttributes
include Mongoid::Slug
include Mongoid::Spacial::Document
include Gmaps4rails::ActsAsGmappable
acts_as_gmappable :lat => 'latitude', :lon => 'longitude', :process_geocoding => true,
:check_process => :prevent_geocoding,
:address => "business_address"
field :location, :type => Point
spatial_index :location
field :officialname
field :business_description
field :category#, :type => Array
field :business_type
field :tax_office
field :tax_number
field :pin
field :business_phone
field :web_site
field :business_address
field :latitude
field :longitude

nofxx commented

Answer: Dont use GeoNear, use #near or #near_sphere:

Model.near(geom: [1, 1])
# or
Model.near_sphere(geom: ...
# same:
Model.where(:geom.near => ...

Also, GeoNear is limited in 100 results. There's no accessor for #limit (easy to monkeypatch anyway)

nofxx commented

Version 5 of mongoid and this gem should be out and working =D