
Can't get status text

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Recently I used delphichromiumembedded component (older).

I used to process status messages by the OnStatusMessage event. On webpages I 
opened I used javascript "window.status=..." and flash objects to transmit data 
to the application by the frame's statuses.

Old (delphichromiumembedded) reference:
Chromium1StatusMessage(Sender: TObject;
  const browser: ICefBrowser; const value: ustring;
  StatusType: TCefHandlerStatusType; out Result: Boolean);

dcef3 reference:
Chromium1StatusMessage(Sender: TObject;
  const browser: ICefBrowser; const value: ustring);

1. StatusType parameter is deprecated (?) in DCEF3.
2. The event in dcef3 raises when the status type is STATUSTYPE_MOUSEOVER_URL 
or STATUSTYPE_KEYBOARD_FOCUS_URL (such would be status types id 
delphichromiumembedded). But! When I want to track a status, which origin is 
STATUSTYPE_TEXT (= made manually), no event is raised in DCEF3!

Maybe I miss something? Some options, which are disabled by default?
I need to track the changes of webpage status message, instead I have to do a 
very huge work on changing the whole system and flash objects :(

Delphi 7, Windows 7.

Original issue reported on by on 27 May 2014 at 3:01