
Most avatar images not loading

improvethings opened this issue · 11 comments

Screenshot from 2022-11-02 16-36-43

This might be due to third party privacy blocking within Brave browser, I'm not sure.

yeah this is a known issue. will either need to use image proxy or find another db solution. see this post:

will keep you posted.

Just an FYI, your reply used localhost: instead of domainname:

doh thank you

Just noticed this also. Looks like Damus Web has solved this issue:

yeah this is not an issue on damus because damus doesn't need cors. astral has strict cors as a dependency for the db.

Why does the database require CORS?

it needs the shared array buffer (its an experimental db)

Oh, that's neat! I know CORS can make exceptions based on resource types...

It also says I need to configure my server to support it, I think.

yep exactly. this is already done (and why any images at all are working haha).

any image (or resource in general) that isn't served with header 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin': * will err in astral unfortunately.

at some point I am going to stand up a proxy to fetch the images that run into cors issues.

Another workaround: install CORS Unblock from Chrome Web Store and only enables on

ok I ended up removing the db that required astral to be cors isolated. now there shouldn't be any cors issues nor broken images. closing.