How to override
Maxwell175 opened this issue · 7 comments
Brief Description
In my situation I have a typedefed C enum that is intended to be passed as a parameter to a function. However, this function declaration merely identifies the parameter as a long so there is no way for CppSharp to figure out that the 2 are related. How can I override the parameter of this function to use the Enum type?
OS: Windows
Used headers
// attribute
typedef enum
SP_EXPORT int SP_API SP_SetProperty (SP_HANDLE hDiag, long lProperty, long lFlag, const void *lpValue);
Need more info to be able to help you here.
Basically CppSharp generated a function with the following signature:
public static int SP_SetProperty(__IntPtr hDiag, int lProperty, int lFlag, __IntPtr lpValue)
I need to get it to change to:
public static int SP_SetProperty(__IntPtr hDiag, SP_ATTR_ENUM lProperty, int lFlag, __IntPtr lpValue)
What kind of approaches can I use for this?
You can change the type of your parameter as a processing step, see for example the helper methods here:
You can do something like SetFunctionParameterUsage
but instead use it to modify the type of the parameter to the one of the enum.
So this is where I got stuck. I found the FindFunction function and used it to get the function, then grabbed the right parameter, but the problem is how to I set the type to an enum? Calling FindEnum returns an Enumeration object. I'm not sure how to properly put these together.
So this is where I got stuck. I found the FindFunction function and used it to get the function, then grabbed the right parameter, but the problem is how to I set the type to an enum? Calling FindEnum returns an Enumeration object. I'm not sure how to properly put these together.
Think you need to do something like param.QualifiedType = new QualifiedType(TagType(enum))
Got it. Here is the code I ended up with:
ctx.FindFunction("SP_SetProperty").First().Parameters[1].QualifiedType =
new QualifiedType(new TagType(ctx.FindEnum("SP_ATTR_ENUM").First()));
Would be nice to have a helper function for this as well.
Feel free to send a PR