
Connection.GetObject blocked in signal handler

Opened this issue · 1 comments

pwik commented


Getting an object inside a signal handler seems to block execution on the main thread when running an Iterate loop inside a separate thread. Example:

    class MyClass
        Connection connection;
        SomeObject someObject;

        public MyClass()
            connection = Bus.System;

            new Thread(new ThreadStart(() =>
                while (connection.IsConnected)

            someObject = connection.GetObject<SomeObject>(bus_name, objpath...);

            someObject.Callback += () =>
                SomeObject2 so2 = connection.GetObject<SomeObject2>(bus_name, path...);


When the someObject.Callback handler is called the main thread stops when trying to get the SomeObject2 object. My solution to this is to create a new thread in the signal handler and from there access SomeObject2. That seems to work just fine. Am I missing something?

Running in Mono 4.6.2 on Ubuntu 16.04.

Have also observed this issue and was wondering whether there is an alternative to the workaround proposed above?