
SIGABRT Assertion from cairo_font_face_destroy

n432sean opened this issue · 0 comments

Our application ran for 13 days, then it crashed with the following. We were using libgdiplus 6.0.5, mono, and RHEL 7.6. Any insight into this crash is appreciated.

mono: cairo-font-face.c:177: cairo_font_face_destroy: Assertion `(_cairo_atomic_int_get (&(&font_face->ref_count)->ref_count) > 0)' failed.

	Native Crash Reporting
Got a SIGABRT while executing native code. This usually indicates
a fatal error in the mono runtime or one of the native libraries 
used by your application.

	Native stacktrace:
	0x4b894a - mono : 
	0x4b8c99 - mono : 
	0x463bd7 - mono : 
	0x4b7ee0 - mono : 
	0x7f67446f3630 - /lib64/ : 
	0x7f6743b2c387 - /lib64/ : gsignal
	0x7f6743b2da78 - /lib64/ : abort
	0x7f6743b251a6 - /lib64/ : 
	0x7f6743b25252 - /lib64/ : 
	0x7f672c90eb68 - /lib64/ : 
	0x7f672c910776 - /lib64/ : 
	0x7f672c90d01d - /lib64/ : 
	0x7f672c90d0ad - /lib64/ : 
	0x7f672cf458c8 - /lib64/ : GdipDeleteGraphics
	0x40640418 - Unknown