
Encoder acceleration not working, enc() passing -1/1 only

dstroud opened this issue · 4 comments

Looks like encoder acceleration is not working on my system running 240424. enc() always returns delta of -1 or 1.

I think this is related to d4eb4b3

tehn commented

is this inside of a script?

if so, you need to explicitly enable it:


tehn commented

apologies, to clarify, both pots and encoders "have" acceleration but their implementation is different. i should rename the redirection functions inside norns.lua to make more sense

What I mean is that the enc() Lua function now returns a delta value of exclusively -1 or 1 rather than a wider range of values proportional to how quickly the encoder is turned, irrespective of whether I call norns.enc.accel(0, true) or norns.enc.accel(0, false)

tehn commented

yes, found the typo.

if you'd like to git pull in the minor lua fix ahead of an update, that should do it for you