
Highly disastrous internal date bug

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The code:

const EthDater = require('ethereum-block-by-date');
const { ethers } = require('ethers');
const provider = new ethers.providers.getDefaultProvider('YOUR PROVIDER');

const dater = new EthDater(
    provider // Ethers provider, required.

async function getBlockFromDate(date){
  console.log('for...', date);
  let block = await dater.getDate(
    //'2016-07-20T13:20:40Z', // Date, required. Any valid moment.js value: string, milliseconds, Date() object, moment() object.
    true, // Block after, optional. Search for the nearest block before or after the given date. By default true.
    false // Refresh boundaries, optional. Recheck the latest block before request. By default false.

  console.log('block', block);

const dates = [

async function init(){
  for (const d of dates){
    console.log('d', d);
    await getBlockFromDate(d)


The output:

d 2022-02-08T03:37:45.000Z
for... 2022-02-08T03:37:45.000Z
block {
  date: '2022-04-08T03:37:45Z',
  block: 26875912,
  timestamp: 1649389067
d 2022-03-08T03:37:45.000Z
for... 2022-03-08T03:37:45.000Z
block {
  date: '2022-04-08T03:37:45Z',
  block: 26875912,
  timestamp: 1649389067
d 2022-04-08T03:37:45.000Z
for... 2022-04-08T03:37:45.000Z
block {
  date: '2022-04-08T03:37:45Z',
  block: 26875912,
  timestamp: 1649389067

Ah I had a typo