
CLI tool that converts images to ASCII characters.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Ascii Image Converter

Easily and convert your images to ASCII with a CLI according to some options.


  • python (>=3.9)
  • Python packages: pip install -r requirements.txt

Printing Examples

Default settings

The program can convert images to ASCII and print them to the terminal.

python3 ascii_image.py print-image girl.jpg

Default settings

Extended palette

python3 ascii_image.py print-image girl.jpg --palette-code extended

Extended palette

Black & White color

python3 ascii_image.py print-image girl.jpg --color 'b&w'

Black & White

Uncolored + reduced palette

python3 ascii_image.py print-image girl.jpg --color none --palette-code reduced

Uncolored + reduced palette

Uncolored + reduced palette + Tiny terminal fontsize

The conversion dimensions will adapt to the terminal width and height. Thus, you change the terminal's dimensions to get a conversion with greater/less detail.

python3 ascii_image.py print-image girl.jpg --color none --palette-code reduced

Uncolored + reduced palette

Modified palette

python3 ascii_image.py print-image girl.jpg --palette ". "

Uncolored + reduced palette

Converting Examples

The program can convert images and save the conversion in a separate file

python3 ascii_image.py convert-image girl.jpg output.txt

Contents of output.txt:


Documentation with --help

Example with print-image

python3 ascii_image.py print-image --help
Usage: ascii_image.py print-image [OPTIONS] PATH

  Print the ASCII conversion of an image into the terminal.

  PATH  [required]

  --color [full|b&w|none]         The color compatibility you want to give the
                                  output  [default: full]
  --palette-code [extended|standard|reduced|block]
                                  The palette code for one of the preset
                                  palettes available.  [default: standard]
  --palette TEXT                  The palette of characters that is going to
                                  be used to convert each pixel into a
                                  character. The palette should be given in
                                  decreasing order of intensity ex: '#-. '
                                  instead of ' .-#' .
  --random-char / --no-random-char
                                  Assign a random character from the palette
                                  to each pixel  [default: no-random-char]
  --fontratio FLOAT               The proportion between the width of the font
                                  to the height of the font (x/y).  [default:
  --help                          Show this message and exit.
python3 ascii_image.py convert-image --help
Usage: ascii_image.py convert-image [OPTIONS] PATH OUTPUT_FILE_PATH

  Save the ASCII conversion of an image into a file

  PATH              [required]
  OUTPUT_FILE_PATH  [required]

  --palette-code [extended|standard|reduced|block]
                                  The palette code for one of the preset
                                  palettes available.  [default: standard]
  --palette TEXT                  The palette of characters that is going to
                                  be used to convert each pixel into a
                                  character. The palette should be given in
                                  decreasing order of intensity ex: '#-. '
                                  instead of ' .-#' .
  --random-char / --no-random-char
                                  Assign a random character from the palette
                                  to each pixel  [default: no-random-char]
  --fontratio FLOAT               The proportion between the width of the font
                                  to the height of the font (x/y).  [default:
  --reduction-factor FLOAT        The number by which you want to reduce
                                  (scale down) the dimensions of the true
                                  image. Preserves proportions.  [default:
  --help                          Show this message and exit.

Developer's note

This project was written with clean code in mind.

I explicitly decided to use typing and functional programming.

I missed OOP for this project, but I just wanted to test the alternative.

Have a good day, monscodex