Newsletter custom post type is not displaying the featured image in dashboard
numeroteca opened this issue · 3 comments
Featured image has been working for newsletter custom post type until recently.
I am creating a new "newsletter" but the option to select the featured image is not any more on the dashboard. The register_post_type
for newsletter has 'supports' => array(...,'thumbnail',...)
I've tried selecting other theme and come back to globalrec's theme, but that has not worked. I've also tried with "screen options" in the dashboard with no luck. Whaat can be the problem?
I haven't found the error yet. Some questions:
- In the lasts commits, some changes have been made in newsletters structure. Did the error exist before this changes?
- I can see that there are two different (complementary?) newsletter systems: how are they working together?
Solved: 3091778
I've activated featured image for all custom post types:
add_theme_support( 'post-thumbnails' );
Instead of:
add_theme_support( 'post-thumbnails', array( 'post', 'page','bio','global-meeting','waste-picker-org' ) );
For the record:
- One custom post type is theme based, and it is the one in charge of
- The other custom post type is based in the plugin Newsletter and it is the one in charge of senting newsletter. This one has html designed for email.