Lecture 13 - Example function does not do the expected
hekazu opened this issue · 1 comments
hekazu commented
In 13.1, (?>) is introduced. This is then used to make the function increase
look better. However, this new version of the function is not correct. The current and new value comparison is flipped, i.e. x < val
instead of the expected val < x
from the original example.
The full block of code where the issue is present for further clarity:
increase :: Eq a => a -> Int -> [(a,Int)] -> Maybe [(a,Int)]
increase key val assocs =
lookup key assocs ?>
check ?>
where check x
| x < val = Nothing
| otherwise = Just x
buildResult x = Just ((key,val) : delete (key,x) assocs)
opqdonut commented
thanks for noticing that!