
unavailable (unpublished) content result as blank spaces in card lists

Closed this issue · 3 comments

user featured entities ( likes, bookmarks, follows, resources in collection ) and later any gets unavailable (unpublished), the item key still returns to webapp, resulting in a blank where the card should be

it would ideal to show an "unavailable entity card"
for the moment we can filter out them in the server

Why do you prefer unavailable cards? I find it a bit weird from the user point of view to start seeing not available elements. 😅

as a user I would be more confused seeing item-cards disappearing and re-appearing in my lists ( bookmarks, followings, resources in collections )..
I'd consider more meaningful to see a "currently unavailable/unpublished" item-card, and have the choice either to keep it waiting for it to be back available, or to remove it from the list ..