
Appears that teachers can be graded?

Opened this issue · 2 comments

Participation by user: /mod/ouwiki/participation.php?id=

All roles appear in the list with an option for grading.

There is no individual filtering applied to the list of users presented (or the option to grade them).

This matches core Moodle grade reports (where as a teacher I can set all grades, including other teachers or even admins on the course).

Does this present a real problem in ouwiki? Does it really matter you can grade everyone regardless of role?
(Given that you appear to be able to do this elsewhere it's not possible to prevent this, so is it more a question of usability?)
If there was filtering to prevent grading what should the criteria be? That you shouldn't be able to edit grades of others that can edit grades themselves?

Such a change wouldn't be very good from a performance point of view (as you then need to check every user listed)...

Ok, I'll have a look at how this is done in other activities. The confusion raised by my user was that if you did grade a teacher, the grade does not appear in the gradebook. I'll investigate further. Thanks for the quick response.