
Code powering the future https://www.getlantern.org/

Primary LanguageJavaScriptGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

build status

This is prospective code that may soon power the new https://www.getlantern.org.

In the meantime, a live demo is available at https://getlanternsite.appspot.com/.



After forking this repository, run:

$ git clone git@github.com:<username>/www.getlantern.org.git
$ cd www.getlantern.org
$ npm install
$ bower install

npm and bower will fetch all the dependencies necessary to develop and run the site.


This site is built with the following tools:

Before jumping in, it's worth taking some time to get familiar with any of these you may not have used before.


To start up a development session using grunt's default dev server, run grunt server. That will start watching the source files, start the dev server, open a browser pointing to the dev server, and detect when any source files are changed and automatically compile any reload them in the browser.

To use the Google App Engine dev server, run the custom grunt task I hacked together grunt gae_devserver.

Don't hardcode any text in the html; instead add it to the translations file in app/scripts/translations.js and use Angular-Translate to translate it when the site is loaded.

Add automated tests in the tests directory to make sure the site continues to work as development progresses.

Protip: If you add a controller (or service, etc.) via yo angular:controller <newcontroller> (or yo angular:service <newservice>, etc.), the Angular generator will stub out a test spec for you.

Run grunt build when ready to locally preview a production build of the site. This should lint-check the code, run the automated tests, then compile, minify, concatenate, and otherwise modify source files for production. The resulting built site will be output to the dist directory. You can cd into it, run python -m SimpleHTTPServer, and then point a browser at the local built version to make sure it looks the same as the development version.


To deploy to App Engine, go to https://appengine.google.com and make sure you can access the "getlanternsite" app there. Then open app.yaml and change the version to .

When ready to deploy, run grunt deploy (another custom grunt task I wrote). This will run the build task mentioned above, and then upload the files in dist to production. You can then go to https://-dot-getlanternsite.appspot.com/ to make sure everything looks good on the production server.