
Do not show decorator icon when the client app is not started.

alanrick opened this issue · 0 comments

Some of us use a twin-safe approach for passwords for increased security and convenience.

Mooltipass for strong security (emails, financials, company db....)
Another password app for less critical security (social media...)
This leads to a site's browser password input field having two decorators. One for mooltipass and one for the other tool, which makes logging on tricky, because the decorator icons overlap and hitting the right one with the mouse or finger often fails.

I'd prefer the Mooltipass decorator only to show when the Moolticute app is running, but the mooltipass extension to show at all times so that I can start the app with ease.

BTW: Current workaround is to disable the Mooltipass extension in chrome until I need it but this involves lots clicks and is cumbersome.