
Install Spinnaker on your kubernetes cluster with one command

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Spinnaker Helm Chart

Install Spinnaker on your kubernetes cluster with one command.

Clouddriver auto-configured to deploy to the same cluster.

Ensure kubectl is pointed at your cluster

kubectl cluster-info

Initialize helm on your cluster

helm init

Clone repo and install Spinnaker in it's own namespace

git clone https://github.com/moondev/spinnaker-helm.git; cd spinnaker-helm

helm install --namespace spinnaker --name spinnaker ./spinnaker-chart

Wait until all pods are up

kubectl get pods --namespace spinnaker

Forward port 9000 to deck pod.

kubectl --namespace spinnaker port-forward (kubectl --namespace spinnaker get pods -l app=deck -o jsonpath='{.items[*].metadata.name}') 9000:9000

Spinnaker is now available for use at http://localhost:9000

To delete the release and remove all Spinnaker components

helm delete spinnaker --purge

Versions of Spinnaker components can be edited in spinnaker-chart/values.yaml