Lua Script to delay
tommynanny opened this issue · 3 comments
tommynanny commented
Hi, I was wondering how I can add delay to my script, like "wait(2s)" or "sleep(2s)" before continue to execute the next line in my moonSharp Lua script.
MIVerTFT commented
You can use standard tools .net for example Thread.Sleep
public class Utils1
public void Sleep(int ms) =>
public void SleepTest()
var S = new Script();
S.Globals["ds"] = new Utils1();
DynValue res = S.DoString("ds:Sleep(4000)");
blakepell commented
I personally use this, hasn't caused me any grief. I expose it via the C# interp so it can be called as a Lua command. Very handy.
public void Sleep(int milliseconds)
psstevenchan commented
you can try this
sleep = function(time)
local t = 0
local T = os.time()
t = t + (os.time()-T)
until t >= time