
[NOTE] Totally wrong definition on "POST /repositories/{repo_name}/tags/{tag}/scan" API

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by swagger UI



the response code should be "503 | Harbor is not deployed with Clair." because Clair service is not deployed.

by harborctl

[#382#root@ubuntu-1604 /go/src/]$./harborctl repository tag scan -h
Trigger jobservice to call Clair API to scan the image identified by the repo_name and tag.

NOTE: Only project admins have permission to scan images under the project.

  harborctl repository tag scan [flags]

  -h, --help               help for scan
  -r, --repo_name string   (REQUIRED) The name of repository.
  -t, --tag string         (REQUIRED) The name of tag.

Global Flags:
      --config string   config file (default is $HOME/, working dir (.), and ./conf dir)
[#383#root@ubuntu-1604 /go/src/]$./harborctl repository tag scan -r temp_9/hello-world -t v1
==> POST https://localhost/api/repositories/temp_9/hello-world/tags/v1/scan
<== Rsp Status: 415 Unsupported Media Type
<== Rsp Body:
[#384#root@ubuntu-1604 /go/src/]$