
digest do not match

Opened this issue · 7 comments

I get error The digest of soapBody was not correct.

any idea @adamdecaf why it could happen?

	signer, err := signedxml.NewSigner(xmlString)
	signedXML, err := signer.Sign(privateKey)
  <Reference URI="#soapBody">
      <Transform Algorithm=""/>
    <DigestMethod Algorithm=""/>

Is there more to the Signature element? Can you compare the output to another library? We know the library doesn't fully support all transforms and c14n specifications.

here is full xml
I am using xmlsec1 to verify and have used xmlsec1 which creates a valid digest values

xmlsec1 --sign --output original.xml --privkey-pem private.key,name.crt  signed.xml

could you please recommend which other library? Thanks

I can't see that paste. Is xmlsec1 transforming the xml differently than this library? My assumption is the issue comes from moov-io/signedxml missing some of the c14n logic.

DigestValue is different with xmlsec1

This seems like it has the same issue and not resolved, as #47?

I still get this error with signedxml v1.2.1. The following XML file with signature was generated with xmlsec1, I can sucessfully verify it with xmlsec1 --verify --insecure test.xml and with , but when using:

validator, _ := signedxml.NewValidator(xmlData)
xmlv, err := validator.ValidateReferences()

I get Calculated digest does not match the expected digestvalue of R66/Sid+tFYdFog0cjhSiagTnTZLN6Njs/Y7YZtH1mc=

I get the same error with your fork of but those libraries are improving marshaling. I tried reading and writing using your fork without much luck.