
How do I parse xml with a namespace?

Opened this issue · 2 comments

Read through everything but still not understanding how to parse xml with a namespace. var b parses correctly but I can't figure out how to parse var a below:

package main

import (

func main() {
doc, _ := gokogiri.ParseXml([]byte(a))
defer doc.Free()
doc.SetNamespace("", "")
x := xpath.Compile(".//NodeA/NodeB")
groups, err := doc.Search(x)
if err != nil {
for i, group := range groups {
log.Println(i, group)

var a = <?xml version="1.0" ?><NodeA xmlns=""><NodeB>thisthat</NodeB></NodeA>
var b = <?xml version="1.0" ?><NodeA><NodeB>thisthat</NodeB></NodeA>

Try using doc.EvalXPath(x, nil) instead of Search. The SetNamespace call is for when you're building documents, not for querying. I think but am not completely sure that EvalXPath automatically registers any namespaces that occur in the document.

Alternatively you can get the XPath context directly (via doc.DocXPathCtx) and call RegisterNamespace followed by EvaluateAsNodeset on the context object ( this is what EvalXPath does in the background, see )

I apologize for the poor state of the documentation around namespaces; for personal reasons I've been unable to spend much time on my contributions since February and one of my big outstanding patches is a proper user's guide.

Still not documented, even after moving across to the jbowtie fork.
