
zsh: = not found

jacobintern opened this issue ยท 10 comments

When I clone gvm into my mac, it always say "zsh: = not found", and i found my .gvm/scripts/ folder dosen't have any gvm file in there.

this is my .zshrc setting

and I can't find any gvm in scripts folder

Can you make sure that you use zsh?

Try to invoke echo $SHELL and which zsh.


If which zsh yield error, make sure you have $PATH set correctly.

echo $PATH

You should have /usr/bin in your PATH.

If $PATH yield incorrect result, try to comment [[ ! -f ~/.p10k.zsh ]] || source ~/.p10k.zsh in your ~/.zshrc

Same issue here, either my workstation with Manjaro, or my steamdeck.
which zsh and echo $SHELL point to the same path /usr/bin/zsh

@goFrendiAsgard I am sure that I use zsh.
but I can use bash version command install gvm in my zsh shell ...

This issue is related to line 115 here:

Since I don't care about .bashrc or .bash_profile, I just replace this line with dummy echo, then the installer works fine.

This issue is related to line 115 here:

Since I don't care about .bashrc or .bash_profile, I just replace this line with dummy echo, then the installer works fine.

Or maybe also append the newly added line in .zshrc to .bashrc would be better.

I can confirm @RangerCD 's solution works.

+1 I have this issue too...

โžœ ~ echo $0 -zsh โžœ ~ zsh < <(curl -s -S -L Cloning from to /Users/XXXXX/.gvm zsh: = not found

I have the same problem here

#442 should fix this issue