Function doc always inserted at beginning of file
Opened this issue · 2 comments
tavurth commented
Running spacemacs
& 25.2.2
When I run the command js-doc-insert-function-doc
or js-doc-insert-function-doc-snippet
these snippets are always inserted at the beginning of the file.
The following code should reproduce this issue:
function myTestFunction(paramA, paramB)) {
const myTestFunctionTwo = (paramA, paramB) => {
When entering either function and running the above commands, the doc snippet will always be added at the top of the file.
tavurth commented
This is likely a spacemacs issue, as it's fixed on their develop, but not working on the old master.
cmatzenbach commented
I am experiencing the same issue in vanilla emacs. Each of my files contains one exported class and no matter where I run the command to insert the doc comment, it is added to the beginning of the file.