

Closed this issue · 4 comments

I'm just wondering where I can find documentation for this framework?

Edit: I did eventually find it in the Moq4 repo - but this was after going to this repo, the github site, and some other pages. It might be nice to have links to the v4 wiki from here and the github site.

kzu commented

Literally the first google hit for "moq documentation" is the Wiki. Not planning on adding anything related to the currently shipping version to this repo which is about vNext. I'm planning on revamping the whole doc thing on top of docfx eventually.

Thanks for your understanding!

Thanks @kzu, I think what got me was the link on the Nuget page takes me to the github site that doesn't have documentation.

kzu commented

Sigh, really?!

Fixed! devlooped/moq@39292ed


Yay thanks!