
Assert.Throws overloads for message verification and additional matching with expression

weitzhandler opened this issue · 2 comments


Currently, Assert.Throws provides some overloads for ArgumentException.ParamName matching and a few other overloads.

My suggestion is for another overload to be added with an exception matcher expression overload, for flexible and customizable exception verification.

For example:

var expectedExceptionMessage = "My exception message";
var expectedException = new MyServiceException(expectedExceptionMessage);

Assert.Throws(expectedException, () => myService.DoJob());

// or

Assert.Throws(exception => exception.Message == expectedExceptionMessage);

Here are another couple of overloads I'd like to see (same for async and "Any" when applicable):

  • Assert.Throws(string message, Action testCode);
  • Assert.Throws(string message, string paramName, Action testCode);

I'm willing to implement this.

stakx commented

The Assert class is not part of Moq, I guess you're talking about the class from your testing framework of choice (xUnit)? You should perhaps ask at their repository.

Oops 😳 sorry.