
Failing to build on main

Opened this issue · 1 comments

Cloning the repo and trying to build results in an error and multiple warnings:

warning NU1603: Moq.Sdk depends on Avatar (>= 42.42.42-main.434) but Avatar 42.42.42-main.434 was not found. An approximate best match of Avatar 42.42.42-main.492 was resolved.
error AV001: The current compiler uses Roslyn version 4.1.0 which is not supported yet. Please install package Microsoft.Net.Compilers.Toolset version 3.9.0 to get the latest supported compiler, or set 'EnableCompileTimeAvatars=false' in the project to switch to run-time avatars.

The warnings can be cleared up by changing the AvatarVersion in Directory.Packages.props to match the found version (42.42.42-main.492) and the initial error can be cleared by adding a reference to Microsoft.Net.Compilers.Toolset specifying the latest supported version (3.9.0).

Trying to build after fixing the initial problems results in errors with seemingly every class that implements IAvatarBehavior

error CS0246: The type or namespace name 'GetNextBehavior' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
error CS0535: 'MockRecordingBehavior' does not implement interface member 'IAvatarBehavior.Execute(IMethodInvocation, ExecuteHandler)'

The GetNextBehavior delegate doesn't exist in this codebase, the closest I found was GetNextMockBehavior which has an additional IMock parameter which means the delegate doesn't match the ExecuteHandler for the interface.

Our open source team @opencastsoftware would like to contribute if possible but not sure where to go from here. If we can help in getting this fixed please let us know

kzu commented

Hi there! Thanks for your interest in contributing. The project is a bit in flux right now, will ping this thread when it's ready for taking contributions. Thanks for your patience!