
Can't handle parentheses in shell command

douglasrossi opened this issue · 4 comments

When I try to assign a shell command containing parentheses, eg ls !(*. txt), the following error is reported:
/bin/sh: 1: Syntax error: "(" unexpected
The problem occurs when using both dash and bash in the package configuration.

Hi @douglasrossi
When I run that command directly in the terminal it also gives that error. I don't think this is an issue with process-palette itself. Do you actually get a different result when you run that command directly from the terminal?

Hi @morassman ,
The command works normally running on the terminal, without any errors. My system is an Ubuntu 18.04.

I'm on OSX, but I'll install Ubuntu 18.04 on a VM and try to debug it there then.

Thanks, I really appreciate it.