
Symbiote cannot tap on UISwitch in iOS7

Opened this issue · 3 comments

I tried using Symbiote to Tap on the selector:
view:'UISwitch' marked:'swtchWizard'
This ignored by the TI-Nspire app when running in an iPad Simulator. Direct Tap
with the mouse on this GUI element works fine. The GUI element is correctly
recognized by Frank.

All of this is best illustrated by the attached screenshot video (if I can figure out how to attach or reference a .mp4 file) in which I:

  • Capture the iPad Simulator screen into Symbiote, running in Safari
  • Tell Symbiote to highlight view:'UISwitch' marked:'swtchWizard' in its captured screenshot
  • Tell Symbiote to flash view:'UISwitch' marked:'swtchWizard' in the iPad Simulator
  • Tell Symbiote to Tap view:'UISwitch' marked:'swtchWizard' in the iPad Simulator
    • This is ignored
  • Tap with the mouse on view:'UISwitch' marked:'swtchWizard' directly in the iPad Simulator
    • This works each time
  • Tell Symbiote to Tap view:'UISwitch' marked:'swtchWizard' in the iPad Simulator again from ON to OFF
    • This is also ignored

Has anyone else experienced this bug with UISwitch GUI elements in other apps?

Uploaded the video to Youtube:

I solved this in my Python Frank interface by changing the "FlipSwitch" method to use TouchAndHold instead of Tap, as per the suggested workaround from here: leviwilson/furter#10. I would suggest that someone in the Ruby/Cucumber Frank community might want to apply the same workaround to the Frank implementation in Ruby/Cucumber.

This is interesting solution. I think it worse to try - number of teams will have benefit from doing that. Thanks!