
CEP Extention template with Vue and TypeScript.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


CEP Extention template with Vue and TypeScript.

Support Application

  • Photoshop

CEP version

  • CEP 6.1

Tested environment

  • macOS Sierra / Windows 10
  • Photoshop CC2018

Setup for debug (macOS)

  1. Edit plist file: <user>/Library/Preferences/com.adobe.CSXS.8.plist

    Set string value for the key PlayerDebugMode to 1
  2. Force-reloading property list files (macOS 10.9 and higher)

    $ sudo killall cfprefsd
  3. Restart your macOS

Build (macOS only)

  1. Install packages.

    $ yarn
  2. Edit setup/config.json.

  3. Build & Run

    $ yarn dev
  4. Restart Adobe applications

  5. Open http://localhost:8088/ for debug.

Create ZXP package

  1. Download ZXPSignCmd

  2. Create p12 file

    $ ZXPSignCmd -selfSignedCert <countryCode> <stateOrProvinve> <organization> <commonName> <password> <outputPath.p12>
  3. Packaging

    $ ZXPSignCmd -sign <inputDir> <outputZXP> <p12> <p12Password>


CEP-Vue-TS-Template is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.