
performance tracker

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An issue to track performance otherwise lost to us in #448. Benchmarks are done with the admittedly highly simplistic

Morepath 0.15 benchmarks like this on Python 2.7 on my desktop:

                                 ms     rps  tcalls   funcs
morepath 0.15                  7683   13016     135      97

Morepath master has a lot of changes in it, in particular Reg dispatch methods, including all kinds of Reg refactorings for performance done by @taschini and myself -- code generation, a dict-based cache and so on. Morepath also now special cases a URL that has no expected URL parameters which also gives a boost to performance.

So Morepath master now clocks at:

Benchmarking frameworks: morepath
                ms     rps  tcalls  funcs
morepath      5302   18861     110     80

Here we compare master with other web frameworks in welcome-bench:

                ms     rps  tcalls  funcs
bottle        2168   46129      53     31
django       11135    8981     190     85
falcon        1559   64131      26     24
flask        15710    6365     270    125
morepath      5337   18736     110     80
pyramid       3948   25327      72     57
tornado      16950    5900     284    114
wheezy.web    1254   79740      25     23
wsgi           171  584956       8      8
  Ordered by: internal time
   List reduced from 92 to 10 due to restriction <10>

   ncalls  tottime  percall  cumtime  percall filename:lineno(function)
   100000    0.465    0.000    0.679    0.000
   100000    0.416    0.000    1.836    0.000
   400000    0.386    0.000    1.286    0.000
   100000    0.316    0.000    0.377    0.000
   100000    0.297    0.000    1.583    0.000
   100000    0.291    0.000    1.159    0.000
   100000    0.250    0.000    1.320    0.000
   100000    0.223    0.000    0.448    0.000
   100000    0.221    0.000    0.267    0.000
   100000    0.203    0.000    8.006    0.000<lambda>)

The profile for current master.

I looked into improving response generation. We can get about 300 more requests per second by constructing the Response directly in root_default in the benchmark instead of returning a string. This is what Pyramid does in its benchmark, but it's less idiomatic Morepath so I didn't implement it.

Latested master of Morepath and Reg:

                ms     rps  tcalls  funcs
morepath      5202   19222     109     80

After the latest changes we get quite a boost:

                ms     rps  tcalls  funcs
morepath      4889   20455     105     79

I've refactored the performance tracking system so I can do multiple benchmarks. The previous 'welcome' benchmark is now hello in this tool:

On the same benchmark master gets this:

Benchmark : hello
Frameworks: pyramid, morepath
                ms     rps  tcalls  funcs
pyramid       4051   24687      74     58
morepath      3563   28067      81     63

I've included Pyramid as we now are faster and it feels a bit satisfying to compare now. :)

I've also included a new benchmark that tests a path with a single variable in a bunch of frameworks. Here are Morepath and Pyramid:

Benchmark : variable
Frameworks: pyramid, morepath
                ms     rps  tcalls  funcs
pyramid       4796   20850      78     60
morepath      4562   21919      98     71

With latest Morepath and Reg:

Benchmark : hello
Frameworks: morepath
                ms     rps  tcalls  funcs
morepath      3406   29358      79     62

and the variable benchmark:

Benchmark : variable
Frameworks: morepath
                ms     rps  tcalls  funcs
morepath      4516   22142      96     70

With Webob 1.7.0rc1:

Benchmark : hello
Frameworks: morepath
                ms     rps  tcalls  funcs
morepath      3392   29482      76     61

For some reason there's a slight performance regression with the variable benchmark:

Benchmark : variable
Frameworks: morepath
                ms     rps  tcalls  funcs
morepath      5087   19658     105     77

I'm a bit confused why -- I don't know why it would be touching more of WebOb than the non-variable benchmark does.