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I was at pyconweb this weekend and gave a talk about Morepath, and it gave me some time to think through the Morepath roadmap, so I want to jot it down here:

  • I think we need something I codename MegaMorepath. Morepath is a microframework. It doesn't
    make a lot of choices for you. But when you're in a hurry or in a team building lots of stuff, or you're a beginner, you often want those choices to be made for you. Good UX often makes sensible choices. Django is good at this. So MegaMorepath would make choices: what database, what authentication system, what template language, a serialization system, and the like. We should also consider the escape route -- when your project grows and need to scale you often do want to customize a lot of behavior, and we need to document how to do this. I think Morepath's existing configuration system offers a great basis for this. I think MegaMorepath needs its own brand and documentation (which should copiously point back to Morepath). But suppress your urge to suggest names until we've discussed this whole idea a bit more.

  • When you make those choices you can build on them. The client-side equivalent of Django's admin UI, perhaps, would become more possible if we make some assumptions about the database.

  • I got some good ideas from a talk by @sils about how to attract newcomers to the project. I think we can become more proactive at creating newcomer friendly issues (typo fixes!) and labeling them. We have the "entry level" tag now, but perhaps we can steal a better approach from the coala project. I really want to attract more newcomers to Morepath & related projects. I suspect MegaMorepath could help there, too.

  • I want to continue working on the higher-level directives for REST @blaflamme has been pushing this and I have been inspired by Django REST Framework viewset capabilities as well.

  • I still would like to look into a Reg based signaling/publish/subscribe mechanism at some point. But it's not urgent.

Another item I forgot: an async version of Morepath. It would require some interesting refactoring to make it possible but should be doable.