
Document how to write tests with cassettes

Closed this issue · 3 comments

Document how to write tests with cassettes

I've been using VCR for exactly one day (see #29) but I have some thoughts on making this easier.

The tests could be refactored so they can run without the cassettes for any user
Perhaps have separate tests with fixed content for the logic and parsing of Presenters so you can test specific values without having to know albumids, user ids etc...
The Google account would be passed in alongside the authorisation header
Perhaps a rake task to generate an Oauth token that could be stored locally for use in tests (the legato gem does something similar)
A rake task to delete all albums titled "gem-test" could be handy

since Picasa service will retire, there is no need for this I guess.

Even if they will replace Picasa with Google Photos as a brand name, it doesn't mean that API wouldn't stay available. At least, I haven't yet heard that their would be new API for Google Photos.
I guess I am just hoping that if someone has link to Google Photos API, they would post a link :)