A Small Quantum Intermediate Representation

Primary LanguageCoqMIT LicenseMIT


SQIR is a Small Quantum Intermediate Representation for quantum programs. Its intended use is as an intermediate representation (IR) in a Verified Optimizer for Quantum Circuits (VOQC).

We describe SQIR and its use in VOQC in our paper A Verified Optimizer for Quantum Circuits, presented at POPL 2021. We present details on verifying SQIR programs in our draft Proving Quantum Programs Correct. The code corresponding to both papers can be found in the POPL2021 branch. Preliminary versions of this work were presented at QPL 2019 and PLanQC 2020.

This repository is split into two parts: SQIR and VOQC. If you are interested in formal verification of quantum programs, you should focus on the SQIR directory (we also recommend Robert Rand's Verified Quantum Computing tutorial). If you are interested in our verified compiler then take a look at the VOQC directory.

Table of Contents

The bulk of this respository is Coq proofs about quantum programs and program transformations. Our verified program transformations can be extracted to OCaml to produce executable code.


If you would like to compile our Coq proofs follow the instructions under 'Coq' below. If you just want to use the VOQC optimizer, follow the instructions under 'OCaml'. If you are unfamiliar with Coq/OCaml, you can find installation tips under 'Installing Dependencies'.



  • OCaml version >= 4.08.1
  • Coq version >= 8.10.1

Run make to compile the core files of SQIR, make optimizer to compile proofs about VOQC, and make examples to compile proofs of correctness for small quantum programs. Use make all to compile everything. Our proofs are resource intensive so expect make all to take a little while. On a Macbook Pro running Coq version 8.12.0 and OCaml version 4.10.0 compilation takes around 30 minutes.



  • OCaml version >= 4.08.1
  • zarith (opam install zarith)
  • dune (opam install dune)
  • batteries (opam install batteries)
  • OpenQASM parser (opam install openQASM)

For convenience, we have already performed extraction from Coq to OCaml; the extracted files are in VOQC/extraction/ml. make voqc will produce an executable in VOQC/_build/default. See the README in the VOQC directory for instructions on how to run the optimizer.

Installing Dependencies

To install our dependencies we recommend using opam. A typical workflow on a new computer is:

  1. Install opam
  2. Set up a new switch with a recent version of OCaml (e.g. opam switch create voqc 4.10.0)
  3. Install dependencies with opam install coq dune zarith batteries openQASM (note: installing Coq will take a while!)

Directory Contents



Definition of the SQIR language.

  • src/SQIR.v : General definition of the SQIR language.
  • src/UnitarySem.v : Semantics for unitary SQIR programs.
  • src/DensitySem.v : Density matrix semantics for general SQIR programs.
  • src/NDSem.v : Non-deterministic semantics for general SQIR programs.
  • src/VectorStates.v : Utilities for describing states as vectors.
  • src/UnitaryOps.v : Utilities for manipulating unitary SQIR programs (e.g. 'invert', 'control').
  • src/Equivalences.v : Verified circuit equivalences for peephole optimizations.

We also rely on several files from the QWIRE development, which we have linked as a git submodule in the externals directory.


Examples of verifying correctness properties of SQIR programs.

  • examples/DeutschJozsa.v : Deutsch-Jozsa algorithm
  • examples/GHZ.v : GHZ state preparation
  • examples/Grover.v : Grover's algorithm (use make grover to compile; requires Coq version >= 8.12)
  • examples/QPE.v : Quantum phase estimation (simplified)
  • examples/QPEGeneral.v : Quantum phase estimation (general) (use make qpe-full to compile; requires Interval package)
  • examples/Simon.v : Simon's algorithm
  • examples/Superdense.v : Superdense coding
  • examples/Teleport.v : Quantum teleportation



Verified transformations of SQIR programs.

  • Utilities

    • src/UnitaryListRepresentation.v : List representation of unitary SQIR programs; includes utilities for manipulating program lists and gate-set-independent proofs.
    • src/NonUnitaryListRepresentation.v : List representation of non-unitary SQIR programs.
    • src/RzQGateSet.v : Fixed gate set used in our optimizer.
  • Optimizations on unitary programs

    • src/GateCancellation.v : 'Single-qubit gate cancellation' and 'two-qubit gate cancellation' optimizations from Nam et al.
    • src/HadamardReduction.v : 'Hadamard reduction' optimization from Nam et al.
    • src/NotPropagation.v : 'Not propagation' preprocessing step from Nam et al.
    • src/RotationMerging.v : 'Rotation merging using phase polynomials' optimization from Nam et al.
  • Optimizations on non-unitary programs

    • src/RemoveZRotationBeforeMeasure.v : Remove single-qubit z-axis rotations before measurement operations.
    • src/PropagateClassical.v : Track classical states to remove redundant measurements and CNOT operations.
  • Mapping routines for unitary SQIR programs

    • src/SimpleMapping.v: Simple mapping for an architecture described by a directed graph.
    • src/MappingExamples.v: Verified circuit mapping examples for linear nearest neighbor, 2D grid, and IBM Tenerife architectures.
    • src/SimpleMappingWithLayout.v: Extends the simple mapping examples with an arbitrary initial layout.
  • Experimental extensions

    • src/BooleanCompilation.v : Compilation from boolean expressions to unitary SQIR programs.


Code to extract unitary optimizations to OCaml (Extraction.v and extract.sh) and parse OpenQASM files into SQIR. Also contains pre-extracted versions of VOQC's optimizations.


Instructions for running VOQC on the benchmarks presented in our paper can be found in the README in the benchmarks directory.


This project is the result of the efforts of many people. The primary contacts for this project are Kesha Hietala (kesha@cs.umd.edu) and Robert Rand (rand@uchicago.edu). Other contributors include:

  • Akshaj Gaur
  • Aaron Green
  • Shih-Han Hung
  • Liyi Li
  • Yuxiang Peng
  • Kartik Singhal
  • Runzhou Tao

This project is supported by the U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Science, Office of Advanced Scientific Computing Research, Quantum Testbed Pathfinder Program under Award Number DE-SC0019040.