
Question: steno for programmers

Opened this issue · 3 comments


I came across Art of Chording and I've been really interested in the subject. I have one lingering question though: as a programmer, I was wondering how one would enter things such as identifer names with different forms of casing (eg snake_case, lowerCamelCase, special characters, etc). And also I don't know how familiar you are with vim or other modal editors, but I was also wondering if in your experience it affects coding speed positively?

I'd be so grateful if you could reply summarily to these questions, I've been hesitant to order a steno keyboard for those reasons :/ If I may add, I might be interested in contributing through patreon or otherwise for a section on programming in Art of Chording.


Those are excellent resources, thank you @ant-i-c-s

A late chapter on using stenography for programming is definitely in my plans, but I still need to get through the basics before that.

I just answered some questions on the hacker news thread, but I'll copy them here:

There are modes, like caps lock, but for snake case, camel case, and other things.

You can also do a stroke-by-stroke basis. For example, I have strokes for prefix "is" and "on" followed by a capital. So A*UN SMIT would be "onSubmit". You could also fall back to forcing an attached, uppercase word. So: ON KPA* SMIT

And thoughts on whether stenography is even useful for coding

Great, thanks, that answers my questions :) Can't wait for that chapter then.