
Add AWS region type variable to support govcloud

Closed this issue · 2 comments

The module has hard coded a handful of arns prefixed with arn:aws: which causes issues in govcloud accounts. See using govcloud arns. It would be nice if there were a region type variable like

variable "aws_region_type" {
  description = ""
  default     = "aws"
  type        = string
  validation {
    condition     = lookup(["aws", "aws-us-gov"], var.aws_region_type, false)
    error_message = "Value must be one of 'aws', 'aws-us-gov'."

which could be used like policy_arn = "arn:${var.aws_region_type}:iam... throughout the module to add govcloud support. I'd be happy to contribute the changes

thx for bringing this up @james-gibson-fr, I wasn't aware of those differences.

Another possible solution could be to compute the ARN prefix from the current region datasource (e.g. in a local variable). This could increase developer experiences and reduce possible errors. What do you think? Happy to review your PR!

The same problem exists for AWS CN. Maybe you can consider this in your PR 😃