Cannot have space in Application Name when restarting docker container
Closed this issue · 7 comments
When having a space in the Application Name and restarting docker, the docker container fails to start with an error about not being able to find a directory.
If the Application is named "My App", the container cannot find "App/My".
The only fix I've found so far is to rm -r /var/lib/docker
then apt remove --purge docker-compose && apt install docker-compose
and start from scratch.
I have yet to find a way to re-make the docker container without an entire machine reinstall.
I found a fix:
Edit /home/user/tyger2beta/data/caddyfile.conf
Change the line log /apps/Tyger2/data/<yourappname withspace>/<yourappname withspace>.log
to replace <yourappname withspace>
with the name of your app that shows up as a folder in /home/user/tyger2beta/data/
Make sure to replace both the directory name and the log file to not have a space in it.
Now you can re-run docker-compose up
where the docker-compose.yml file is.
Thanks for spotting this. This is an issue where the application is generating the logfile and directory names incorrectly. I will implement a fix for this soon and will update this when complete.
Coming here from #23.
This has been fixed in the alpha branch, I just need to confirm that it works as expected.
Are you able to test using the Alpha branch to see if it fixes the issue?
How would we pull the Alpha branch using our docker compose files? Is the Alpha branch also posted to docker hub?
This should do the trick:
image: morph1904/tyger2:alpha
@bugs181 - Did this work for you? If it did let me know and I will merge the branch and close this issue.