
Move past items (not done) to today

Closed this issue · 6 comments

morris commented

When (re-)loading the app, past items that were not marked "done" should automatically move to today so they don't get lost. This should be solvable by

  • implementing the transition in TodoLogic.js, and
  • and calling the transition on load in TodoController.js.

I can work on this issue.

I have noticed an issue where the todo items do not have the correct date.
I have kind of worked out solution however my logic will not work due to dates of the saved todoItems being incorrect. I'll keep working on it. @morris

Update upon looking in to it I cannot see why the date is being saved like that.

morris commented

Thanks for looking into it! Hmmm, unfortunately I can't reproduce the situation you're describing. Could it be a time zone issue?

morris commented

Indeed... should be fixed now in main :)

morris commented

@harrisonJones12 any chance you want to pick this up again :)?