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Any ideas on how to patch fonts for kitty terminal?

Are you able to patch a font as explained here ryanoasis/nerd-fonts?
If so you should be able to specify the patched font using something along the way of font_family <your-font-family> in your kitty.conf.

I also see that kitty allow for specifying specific fonts for ranges of unicode codepoints, so you could try this:

symbol_map U+EA60-U+EBD0 codicon

And just in case, you have remembered to install the patched font?

I've tried patching and using already patched fonts from nerd-fonts and I'm having no success in making this work in both iterm and alacritty.

When I paste the example in the README I only see the ? symbols

Were you able to patch a font and install the font?
I don't use alacritty, so I'm not sure how to set the font (and if it's possible to use sub-sets of fonts as is the case for kitty), but I assume you have tried to set the font to the newly patched font in your alacritty config?

Yes. I've tried the hack and firacode and neither worked.

I've tried also in iterm2 and got the same result.

Does the shell im using make any difference? I don't think so but in my case im using fish.

The shell should not affect the font. Have you tried any of the already patched fonts available on nerd-fonts, seems like they should have been patched with codicons so there is no need to patch ourselves?

Same issue with them... I tried patching because it was not working with them.

So I tried to get it to work using Alacritty and I managed to get it to work by downloading Hack and using these settings in the alacritty.yml

    family: Hack Nerd Font Mono
    style: Regular
    size: 10

Weird... This is what I see when I paste the text from the readme:


Hmm.. Then I'm not sure what the problem is :(

So I finally managed to patch the font. I'm sure this is not an issue with your plugin but perhaps you could help. When I patch it, it is adding a bottom padding in the characters.


Is there a flag or a setting I can set to adjust this and fix it?