matlabpool computing irregularity
GoogleCodeExporter opened this issue · 4 comments
GoogleCodeExporter commented
What steps will reproduce the problem?
1. run modify_events through apply_to_ev with params.dist set to 0 - this
should work
2. run modify_events through apply_to_ev with params.dist set to 2 - this
should fail
It fails in parallel:
> params = [];
>> params.save_as = 'study_recall';
>> params.overwrite = true;
>> params.res_dir = '/Users/cohenzd/results/tfrs/';
>> exp.subj = apply_to_ev(exp.subj, 'study_recall', @modify_events,
{@task_trans_fields_taskFR, {}, params}, 2)
modifying "study_recall" events...Warning: Broken file reference in events
object 'study_recall'.
> In exist_mat at 29
In get_mat at 27
In modify_events at 95
In apply_to_obj at 88
In apply_to_subj>(parfor body) at 122
In parallel_function>make_general_channel/channel_general at 892
In remoteParallelFunction at 31
It works in serial:
>> exp.subj = apply_to_ev(exp.subj, 'study_recall', @modify_events,
{@task_trans_fields_taskFR, {}, params}, 0)
modifying "study_recall" events...saved.
modifying "study_recall" events...saved.
If one examines obj.file in exist_mat, one sees the irregularity that might be
causing the problem. When in serial, obj.file =
'/Users/cohenzd/results/tfrs/events/events_study_recall_SRC002.mat'. When in
parallel, obj.file = 'events'. I'm not sure why the file name changes when
parallel computing is used, but it seems like it does....
Original issue reported on by
on 18 Mar 2011 at 4:08
GoogleCodeExporter commented
I started to have the same issue in serial mode, and for this issue I found the
1. it seems that for some file references (both events and patterns) the file
string doesn't include the '.mat' extension at the end, and so exist_mat.m and
get_mat.m both fail to find it. I added a piece of code to both of these
in get_mat.m I added the code at line 42 and in exist_mat.m I added the code at
line 24.
%ZDC HACK for files that don't have extension specified
if ~exist(obj.file, 'file')
if exist([obj.file '.mat'])
obj.file = [obj.file '.mat'];
I believe this is the same issue that I was encountering in parallel computing,
as this hack seems to have fixed both calls to apply_to* .
Original comment by
on 28 Mar 2011 at 5:05
GoogleCodeExporter commented
Good catch, this is related to a change I made in how filenames get generated.
I've committed fixes similar to yours.
Original comment by
on 28 Mar 2011 at 5:37
- Changed state: Fixed
GoogleCodeExporter commented
it seems that the fix has created another problem. now when I run grand_average
it tells me that it is unable to write the file... in keyboarding in it seems
like the file name is correct (in that it doesn't include the .mat extension)
but it simply won't save...
Original comment by
on 28 Mar 2011 at 8:09
GoogleCodeExporter commented
I've committed a fix to remove leading and trailing spaces from filepaths
before saving/loading.
Original comment by
on 28 Mar 2011 at 11:08