
At present, UDP, TCP, DoT and DoQ have been implemented, and the DoH is still missing. Can you add this on next version?

Closed this issue · 6 comments

At present, UDP, TCP, DoT and DoQ have been implemented, and the DoH is still missing. Can you add this on next version?

Looking forward to your update

hey mate. sure. Need to check to see what libraries exist. if you have a rough PR happy to look at it and make adjustments :)

Brother, I'm not a programmer.

But let me tell you my thoughts. I hope you can refer to them.

Found a library: , I don't know if it works. If it works, I hope it can listen to non 443 port and match the default paths of DOH such as /dns-query and /resolve in the func runhttps(). If it is a DNS query, it will be handled by the DOH service, otherwise it will be handled by the func handle443()

thank you!

added a simple doh upstream support. have a look to see if that works for you. the server side will be a bit more complicated since both HTTPS traffic and DoH traffic will be on port 443 TCP and multiplexing that over TCP and TLS is a bit of work.

Thank you for your work and look forward to DoH's server-side launch :)

will close this. server DoH implementation is gonna be too much work and will potentially disrupt security of sniproxy.