Why only Owner can vote?
igorbarinov opened this issue · 6 comments
Line 106 in 8b276de
Because all vote method calls are made from one blockchain account.
The reason is peolpe have not blockchain accounts and all the votes pass through the application server. Everyone can check his vote by his token from profile
Why not use dapp on ag.mos.ru to sign transaction?
You can easily make periodical database's snapshot with a signature (hash or gpg), why do you use blockchain with only one writer?
@alerdenisov dapp will coming soon, this idea is in the process
Sounds great! @smashin could you please announce estimate date when it will be released?
Also, how ag.mos.ru is planning to provide the proof of the fact of granting one and only one key in hands?
@alerdenisov next year,
we have some ideas, I'm not ready to say now:)