
WARNING: pkginfo for 'AdobeAcrobatProDCCC2017' contains no installation check info!

Closed this issue · 6 comments

MunkiImporter: WARNING: pkginfo for 'AdobeAcrobatProDCCC2017' contains no installation check info!
MunkiImporter: No useful receipts were detected, and no 'installs' items were provided.
MunkiImporter: If you do not add an 'installs' item or an installcheck_script,
MunkiImporter: Munki will have no way to determine the item's installation state.
MunkiImporter: This can result in repeated installation attempts or failure to attempt
MunkiImporter: installation at all.

Added APRO (Acrobat Pro DC) to an override for the CreativeCloudApp.munki.recipe.

Bug me on Slack so we can figure this out :)

I'm still of two minds of this:

One is that APRO shouldn't be supported by these recipes, or at least not yet, and they should fail if APRO is the requested package. Acrobat Pro gets a quarterly update for the "full" installer, and you're still left to fend for yourself to get the patches anyway. Given that this repo enables building a over a dozen other regularly-updated apps, it seems like a lot of extra work to do the special casing required to extract additional info and only if APRO is the main application packaged. It means we'd probably have to make it so that to package APRO, you'd have to override a different recipe than all the others.

There's a cleaner way to way to deploy it as I described here, but so far nobody's posted any public AutoPkg recipes to do that yet. Still I feel like it's the right thing to do when there seems to be a cleaner way that doesn't involve unnecessarily wrapping all of Adobe's CCP-related packaging around Acrobat Pro.

The other opinion is that it might be worth still supporting these via a separate recipe given that there will be a number of users who are building all their packages as device- or serial-licensed, and so it just makes sense from a workflow perspective to do the same for Acrobat. Using AutoPkg processors it would also be possible to extract a proper version from the app bundle rather than the one made available in the Creative Cloud feed.

However, for this to work, it would need a way to know when there's a new version because all the feed shows is 15 (or maybe now 17), but the version within will change from time to time. That logic happens by checking parameters passed to the automation XML, so that would also need special-case code.

Adobe Gaming SDK same errors... I'll plough on, see if any others have the same

H/T to @mosen.


Adding the above to the Acrobat override worked

Ignore me.. I was wrong

Fixed as of: #21