
Camara RAW failing

Closed this issue · 7 comments

Camara RAW is failing because of missing uninstall package

Error in local.munki.CameraRawCC: Processor: DmgCreator: Error: creation of /xxx/xxx/xxx/Library/AutoPkg/Cache/local.munki.CameraRawCC/CameraRawCC2017_Uninstall-9.10.dmg failed: hdiutil: create failed - No File ore Folder exists (Translated from German)

Hi @jannheider

You need to use the CreativeCloudAppNoUninstall.munki recipe.

Thanks for the hint, this is working.

But in this way you never can deinstall Camara RAW, right ?
Is there a way do make an Uninstall ?

Can you post the override you're using to retrieve Camera Raw? Mine looks like this, and it seems to generate an uninstaller as is done for other apps:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
<plist version="1.0">

Mhhh... looks like mine:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
<plist version="1.0">
				<!-- Creative Cloud -->
				<string>Creative Cloud</string>
				<string>Adobe Application Manager</string>
				<string>AAM Updates Notifier</string>
				<string>Adobe Application Manager (Updater)</string>
				<!-- Setup app -->

				<!-- Camera Raw -->
				<string>Adobe After Effects CC 2017</string>
				<string>Adobe After Effects CC</string>
				<string>Adobe Bridge CC 2017</string>
				<string>Adobe Photoshop CC 2015</string>
				<string>Adobe Photoshop CC 2017</string>
				<string>Adobe Bridge CC 2015</string>
				<string>Adobe After Effects CC 2015.3 (13.8)</string>
				<string>Adobe Photoshop CC 2015.5</string>
				<string>Adobe Animate CC 2017</string>
				<string>Adobe Photoshop CC 2014</string>
				<string>Adobe Bridge CC</string>
				<string>Adobe Animate CC 2015.2</string>
				<string>Adobe Photoshop CC</string>
				<string>Adobe After Effects CC 2014</string>
				<string>Adobe After Effects CC 2015</string>
                        <string>Adobe CC 2017</string>
			<string>Adobe Camera Raw CC 2017</string>
                        <string>jenkins autopkg</string>
	< *** trust info removed *** >

If i put it on Optional, Camera Raw is saying that it is installed and the Button is grayed out.
On my Testlab Mac i have Camera Raw 9.6.
But with Autopkg version 9.10 should be installed.

Managed Software Center:


The CameraRawCC recipes don't currently generate any installs keys, which may explain why Camera Raw says it is installed. Munki has no way to know whether it has any version installed, or is out of date.

This is a different issue from what you originally opened an issue for, though, which was that the .munki recipe wasn't generating an uninstaller for you..

I'll note that right now, Camera Raw CC 9.10.1 seems to be failing for me, but for a different reason.

OK, Closing issue. Think this was our fault.

Camera Raw CC 9.10.1 not working as you said, but should be handelt in a new Bug report.