
No entry for OnMouseOver for icon

ostfriese2 opened this issue · 2 comments

I would appreciate it very much if there would be the possibility to give a function at a mouse pointer is on the icon.

Thank you for your report.

I have attempted to maintain feature parity for all different backends, with the exception of the features with corresponding HAS_ flags. As far as I can tell, an on mouse over notification would only work for the win32 and xorg backends, which is the main reason I have avoided adding it.

Except for the menu feature, which is rather basic and supported everywhere except for xorg, other optional features are not essential, such that lacking them will render you application unusable. I fear that adding features that provide optional input to pystray, such as on mouse over, or callbacks when notification messages are clicked, risks encouraging people to develop applications that are inherently platform dependent.

This is, of course, only my opinion, and I may be persuaded to change my mind, but for the moment I am afraid that I will not add a feature like this.

Thanks for your reply. Understand your opinion. Nice tool so fare. Helps a lot. Thank you.