
Can't find Section 3 Exercise - Display membershiptype in the list...[8a852d1]

JohnWaclawski opened this issue · 1 comments

I can't find the "Solution - Section 3 Exercise - Display membership type in the list..." [8A852d1] Is there a way to search for this inside of GitHub? I'm an absolute beginner when it comes to GitHub.
I'm still looking in the hopes of finding it, but have looked through all the folders. Still looking and will update this note if I find it.

I'm not sure about searching it, but if your at github project ( Click the "<> Code" tab. You'll see the latest commit in a box. At the top of that box it says something like
mosh-hamedani Update … on Sep 8, 2020 ⎌50

If you click the "⎌50", it will take you to the old commits and you can page through to find it and all the past commits in there.