
matplotlib minimum version

tonytony99 opened this issue · 1 comments

With matplotlib version 3.5.3 and pymsaviz version 0.4.0 installed, this example from the docs gave an AttributeError:

from pymsaviz import MsaViz, get_msa_testdata

msa_file = get_msa_testdata("HIGD2A.fa")
mv = MsaViz(msa_file)
fig = mv.plotfig()

Extract from stack trace:

... pymsaviz/ in plotfig(self, dpi) ...
--> 420         fig.set_layout_engine("tight")
    421         gs = GridSpec(nrows=len(plot_ax_types), ncols=1, height_ratios=y_size_list)
    422         gs.update(left=0, right=1, bottom=0, top=1, hspace=0, wspace=0)

AttributeError: 'Figure' object has no attribute 'set_layout_engine'

Installing matplotlib 3.6.0 fixed the issue so perhaps the minimum version (e.g. matplotlib = ">=3.5.2" ) may need updating?

moshi4 commented

Hi @tonytony99,

Thank you for reporting the issue.

At the time of release, I test with the latest version of the dependent packages.
Therefore, as I develop and release more and more, I may not be able to support the minimum version previously available.

I will try to resolve this issue in the next release.