
If i want to change the weighting model to LM Model

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How could i do to use the LM model as weighting model?

Is the LM Model mean "Linear Model"?
Cockatrice just uses Whoosh. Currently focuses on server implementation for using Whoosh on distributed environment.
Please refer following document:
I hope this will help. :)

I mean the language model,and i have read this many times.But i did not find any solutions about it.My code is liking this

def lm(tf,dl,cf,fl,u):
    return (tf/dl)*dl/(dl+u)+(1-dl/(dl+u))*(cf/fl)

class LM(WeightingModel):
    def scorer(self, searcher, fieldname, text, u=190,qf=1):
        if not searcher.schema[fieldname].scorable:
            return WeightScorer.for_(searcher, fieldname, text)
        return LMScorer(searcher, fieldname, text, u=u,qf=qf)

class LMScorer(WeightLengthScorer):
    def __init__(self, searcher, fieldname, text, u,qf=1):
        parent = searcher.get_parent()  # Returns self if no parent = parent.frequence_all(fieldname, text)
        self.fl = parent.field_length(fieldname)
        self.setup(searcher, fieldname, text)

    def supports_block_quality(self):
        return True

    def _score(self, weight,length):
        return lm(weight,length,,self.fl,self.u)

    def max_quality(self):
        return self._maxquality

    def block_quality(self, matcher):
        return matcher.block_max_weight() * self.idf

Thank you for explain.
I will change the API so that you can run own weighting model.
Please give me some time.