
[BUG] MotionValue does not fit motion/react-m after migrating

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2. Describe the bug

After migrating from framer-motion to motion, I can't no more pass MotionValue to a component from motion/react-m:

import type { MotionValue } from 'motion/react'
import { div } from 'motion/react-m'

  style: {
    // error here
    x: 5 as unknown as MotionValue<number>,


TS2322: Type MotionValue<number> is not assignable to type
string | number | CustomValueType | MotionValue<number> | MotionValue<string> | MotionValue<any> | undefined
Type MotionValue<number> is not assignable to type MotionValue<any> with 'exactOptionalPropertyTypes: true'. Consider adding undefined to the types of the target's properties.
Types have separate declarations of a private property current

3. IMPORTANT: Provide a CodeSandbox reproduction of the bug


4. Steps to reproduce


5. Expected behavior

No error

6. Video or screenshots


7. Environment details

"motion": "11.11.17",

just bumped into this exact issue as well

same issue here

+1 just ran into this as well and was a bit confused by it. Using motion version 11.13.1.

Same issue react: 19.0.0, motion: 11.17.0

Debbl commented

It looks like the rollup build two of the same type.


Yep, same issue

Can you try 12.0.10 and let me know if this fixes your issue?

Can you try 12.0.10 and let me know if this fixes your issue?

I just tried. Updated the package to 12.0.11 the problem persists.
I will give in detail what I have used so maybe it will be easier to reproduce.

React: 19.0.0
Motion: 12.0.11
TypeScript: 5.7.3

import {
  type MotionValue,
} from 'motion/react';
import * as m from 'motion/react-m';
 const lightBackground = useMotionTemplate`radial-gradient(${
    backgroundGradientWidth ?? 300
    // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any
  }px circle at ${mouseX}px ${mouseY}px, rgb(226 226 226 / .3), transparent 60%)` as MotionValue<any>;

  const darkBackground = useMotionTemplate`radial-gradient(${
    backgroundGradientWidth ?? 300
    // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any
  }px circle at ${mouseX}px ${mouseY}px, rgb(10 15 27 / .2), transparent 60%)` as MotionValue<any>;
        className='pointer-events-none absolute inset-0 -z-10 flex opacity-0 transition-all group-hover:opacity-100 dark:hidden'
          background: lightBackground,

        className='pointer-events-none absolute inset-0 -z-10 hidden opacity-0 transition-all group-hover:opacity-100 dark:flex'
          background: darkBackground,

TS error:

Type 'MotionValue<any>' is not assignable to type 'CustomValueType | MotionValue<number> | MotionValue<string> | MotionValue<any> | Background<string | number> | undefined'.
  Type 'import("d:/GITHUB-PROJECTS/FlashCards/flash-cards/node_modules/framer-motion/dist/types.d-CdW9auKD").e<any>' is not assignable to type 'MotionValue<any>'.
    Types have separate declarations of a private property 'current'.ts(2322)